Tugboat Logic and Arrakis

You view yourself as a startup or, maybe, you are just a small to medium sized business with less than 1000 employees. Do you know your company, regardless of size or what your company does, is going to be regulated? Keep reading to learn more.

Most business owners understand, rightly so, that if they are dealing with medical data then HIPAA would apply...or financial data then a banking regulation would apply...or credit cards then PCI would apply...or if you had international customers or were based out of California then GDPR and CCPA (or both) would apply respectively. However, what virtually no business owner/executives/boards of directors/etc understands is that all businesses can be held accountable under the FTC (Federal Trade Commission).  Read our article about the FTC and the myth around best practice which can falsely lead companies to believe they are compliant.

Arrakis has partnered with Tugboat Logic to help clients of all sizes reduce risk for their company, help a company become compliant with regulatory frameworks, and support clients for pre-audits/audits, as well as provide long term support to streamline compliance.

As a part of this partnership, Arrakis can perform numerous tasks that can run independent of each other or as supporting tasks to accomplish the overall mission.

Penetration Testing - Arrakis is a full service cybersecurity company fully capable of providing penetration testing services of all areas that are of concern of the client. Contact [email protected] for a scoping meeting in order to provide a quote.  Additionally, Penetration Testing as a Service (PENTESTaaS) is also possible for recurring pentesting of your company.

Business Impact Analysis (BIA) - As a matter of good practice, a BIA should be done at least yearly to ensure that you completely understand the level of impact to your business should any portion of your business process fail. How long can you stay down without major incident? How long can you stay down before your customers decide to move to another solutions provider? Knowing the impact, both qualitative and quantitative, to your business is vital and required. Arrakis can help you realize exactly what your impact is. We have fixed pricing for BIAs so contact [email protected] for a quote.

Gap Analysis - regardless of what framework you are required to follow there is always something that needs to be reviewed to see where your gaps, or weaknesses, are so you have targeted and actionable items to focus your remediation or improvement efforts. Don't be caught short in high risk compliance areas like CMMC, GDPR, FFIEC, FISMA, CCPA, NIST, etc...

Framework implementation, consultation, or support - All companies that process regulated data are required to conform to some security framework. Whether it be NIST 800-53, NIST 800.171, ISO 27001, FFIEC, etc... we can help implement or provide consultation services to make your current implementation easier. Additionally, in several situations, companies have to conform to multiple frameworks or create a hybrid framework that reduces the regulatory risk to the company and executives. Arrakis can help guide you down the path of confusion to a clear outcome.

3rd party audits and assessments - All major frameworks require a 3rd party assessment to be performed in the areas of vulnerability assessment, risk assessment, or 3rd party audit of your information systems. Arrakis can be your trusted advisor that will provide an unbiased and brutal honesty assessment of where you feel weak or where you feel a regulatory agency may target you. Don't be caught short in high risk compliance areas like GDPR, CMMC, CCPA, FFIEC, FISMA, etc...

What are the effects of compliance? Being compliant can help your business because you can, in some cases, advertise being compliant. Not being compliant will attract attention from regulators as well as drive business away from your company. After all, why would a customer want to do business with a company that can't follow the rules or protect their own employee's data?

Arrakis can help you become more compliant or remain compliant by offering an unbiased 3rd party assessment that is specifically tailored around the framework or regulation you are required to conform to as well as help reduce your overall risk.

Additionally, Arrakis can provide regulatory or compliance training to your company to help better prepare you for a regulatory environment. Click here to see just some of our options to train you in regulatory compliance.

We are masters at these frameworks and many more.

Our membership in professional organizations

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